Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Goan Dishes for Lent Season

The Lent season is marked by a period of fasting among devout Christians. Like elsewhere in the world, Christians in India, especially those in Goa, also observe this period of fasting. Meat is shunned and vegetarian dishes are given more space. However, fish is still eaten by many Goans. Here are some of the Lent recipes you can try: Vegetable croquette: This simple...

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Plan A Goan Feast For Your Next Party

No one knows how to party like a Goan! Fond of music, laughter and fun, the Goans love nothing more than throwing a feast for friends and family. With good food and music, the Goan theme is also ideal for your own party. If you are worried about getting it right, we tell you how! Set the mood Start with the look of the party. Ask your friends to dress up...